Theresa E. Hannon, Ph.D.

Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA 
laser chemistry
"Theresa Hannon"
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Richard N. Zare grad student 2005 Stanford
 (Evanescent -wave cavity ring -down spectroscopy applied to condensed -phase systems.)
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Hannon TE, Chah S, Zare RN. (2005) Evanescent-wave cavity ring-down investigation of polymer/solvent interactions. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 109: 7435-42
Whelan RJ, Hannon TE, Zare RN, et al. (2004) Application of ion chromatography to the investigation of real-world samples Journal of Chemical Education. 81: 1299-1302
Hannon T, Elsila J, Bechtel H. (2003) Web Site: Add a Little Flash to Your Lectures Angewandte Chemie International Edition. 42: 254-254
Hannon T, Elsila J, Bechtel H. (2003) Web Site: Multimedia für die Vorlesung Angewandte Chemie. 115: 264-264
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