Chong Fang, Ph.D.

2001-2006 Department of Chemistry University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA, United States 
 2007-2010 Department of Chemistry University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
 2010- Department of Chemistry Oregon State University, Corvallis, OR 
Ultrafast spectroscopy, structural dynamics, fluorescent proteins and biosensors, photochemistry
Mean distance: 8.69


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Robin M. Hochstrasser grad student 2006 Penn
 (Structures and dynamics of helices in water and membrane environments studied by two -dimensional infrared spectroscopy.)
Richard Alfred Mathies post-doc 2007-2010 UC Berkeley


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Fangyuan Han grad student 2011-2014 Oregon State
Liang Wang grad student 2012-2015 Oregon State
Breland G. Oscar grad student 2011-2017 Oregon State
Longteng Tang grad student 2011-2017 Oregon State
Yanli Wang grad student 2011-2017 Oregon State
Liangdong Zhu grad student 2011-2017 Oregon State
Miles A. Taylor grad student 2015-2019 Oregon State
Cheng Chen grad student 2014-2020 Oregon State
Sean R. Tachibana grad student 2015-2021 Oregon State
Taylor D. Krueger grad student 2016-2022 Oregon State
Sean A. Boulanger grad student 2017-2022 Oregon State
Longteng Tang post-doc 2018- Oregon State
Liangdong Zhu post-doc 2018- Oregon State
Weimin Liu post-doc 2011-2016 ShanghaiTech University
Cheng Chen post-doc 2020-2023 Oregon State
Taylor D. Krueger post-doc 2022-2023 Oregon State
BETA: Related publications


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Boulanger SA, Zhu L, Tang L, et al. (2020) Photoinduced Charge Transfer and Bimetallic Bond Dissociation of a Bi-W Complex in Solution. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Xu Y, Wu X, Jiang H, et al. (2020) A Non-aqueous Proton Electrolyte Enables Stable Cycling of Proton Electrodes. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Oscar BG, Zhu L, Wolfendeen H, et al. (2020) Dissecting Optical Response and Molecular Structure of Fluorescent Proteins With Non-canonical Chromophores. Frontiers in Molecular Biosciences. 7: 131
Kim KI, Guo Q, Tang L, et al. (2020) Reversible insertion of Mg-Cl superhalides in graphite as a cathode for aqueous dual-ion battery. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English)
Chen C, Fang C. (2020) Devising Efficient Red-Shifting Strategies for Bioimaging: A Generalizable Donor-Acceptor Fluorophore Prototype. Chemistry, An Asian Journal
Krueger TD, Boulanger SA, Zhu L, et al. (2020) Discovering a rotational barrier within a charge-transfer state of a photoexcited chromophore in solution. Structural Dynamics (Melville, N.Y.). 7: 024901
Fang C, Tang L. (2020) Mapping Structural Dynamics of Proteins with Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry
Chen C, Zhu L, Boulanger SA, et al. (2020) Ultrafast excited-state proton transfer dynamics in dihalogenated non-fluorescent and fluorescent GFP chromophores. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 152: 021101
Shin W, Zhu L, Jiang H, et al. (2020) Fluorinated co-solvent promises Li-S batteries under lean-electrolyte conditions Materials Today. 40: 63-71
Fang C, Tang L, Chen C. (2019) Unveiling coupled electronic and vibrational motions of chromophores in condensed phases. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 151: 200901
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