Margaret E. Kosal, Ph.D.

2008 Sam Nunn School of International Affairs Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA 
inorganic and materials chemistry; security studies and international relations
"Margaret Kosal"
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Kenneth Sanders Suslick grad student 2001 UIUC
 (Porphyrin network materials: Chemical exploration in the supramolecular solid-state.)
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Kosal ME, Huang JY. (2015) Security implications and governance of cognitive neuroscience. Politics and the Life Sciences : the Journal of the Association For Politics and the Life Sciences. 34: 93-108
Kosal ME. (2010) The security implications of nanotechnology Bulletin of the Atomic Scientists. 66: 58-69
Suslick KS, Bailey DP, Ingison CK, et al. (2007) Seeing smells: Development of an optoelectronic nose Quimica Nova. 30: 677-681
Suslick KS, Bhyrappa P, Chou JH, et al. (2005) Microporous porphyrin solids. Accounts of Chemical Research. 38: 283-91
Chou J, Kosal ME, Nalwa HS, et al. (2003) Applications of Porphyrins and Metalloporphyrins to Materials Chemistry Cheminform. 34
Kosal ME, Chou JH, Wilson SR, et al. (2002) A functional zeolite analogue assembled from metalloporphyrins. Nature Materials. 1: 118-21
Kosal ME, Chou JH, Suslick KS. (2002) A calcium-bridged porphyrin coordination network Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 6: 377-381
Brunner R, Kosal ME, Suslick KS, et al. (2000) Near-field scanning optical microscopy of zinc-porphyrin crystals. Ultramicroscopy. 84: 149-57
Kosal ME, Suslick KS. (2000) Microporous porphyrin and metalloporphyrin materials Journal of Solid State Chemistry. 152: 87-98
Suslick KS, Rakow NA, Kosal ME, et al. (2000) The materials chemistry of porphyrins and metalloporphyrins Journal of Porphyrins and Phthalocyanines. 4: 407-413
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