Brendan M. Kayes, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002-2009 | Applied Physics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
photovoltaics, artificial photosynthesis, energy storageGoogle:
"Brendan Kayes"Mean distance: 7.8 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarry A. Atwater | grad student | 2002-2009 | Caltech | |
(Radial pn Junction, Wire Array Solar Cells) | ||||
Nathan Saul Lewis | grad student | 2002-2009 | Caltech | |
(Radial pn Junction, Wire Array Solar Cells) |
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Nie H, Diduck Q, Alvarez B, et al. (2014) 1.5-kV and 2.2-mω-cm2 vertical gan transistors on Bulk-GaN substrates Ieee Electron Device Letters. 35: 939-941 |
Kayes BM, Zhang L, Twist R, et al. (2014) Flexible thin-film tandem solar cells with >30% efficiency Ieee Journal of Photovoltaics. 4: 729-733 |
Kosten ED, Kayes BM, Atwater HA. (2014) Experimental demonstration of enhanced photon recycling in angle-restricted GaAs solar cells Energy and Environmental Science. 7: 1907-1912 |
Braun A, Katz EA, Feuermann D, et al. (2013) Angular restriction of photon emission for ultra-efficient photovoltaics Proceedings of Spie - the International Society For Optical Engineering. 8834 |
Braun A, Katz EA, Feuermann D, et al. (2013) Photovoltaic performance enhancement by external recycling of photon emission Energy and Environmental Science. 6: 1499-1503 |
Mattos LS, Scully SR, Syfu M, et al. (2012) New module efficiency record: 23.5% under 1-sun illumination using thin-film single-junction GaAs solar cells Conference Record of the Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 3187-3190 |
Kayes BM, Nie H, Twist R, et al. (2011) 27.6% Conversion efficiency, a new record for single-junction solar cells under 1 sun illumination Conference Record of the Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 000004-000008 |
Plass KE, Filler MA, Spurgeon JM, et al. (2009) Flexible polymer-embedded Si wire arrays Advanced Materials. 21: 325-328 |
Putnam MC, Filler MA, Kayes BM, et al. (2008) Secondary ion mass spectrometry of vapor-liquid-solid grown, Au-catalyzed, Si wires. Nano Letters. 8: 3109-13 |
Kelzenberg MD, Turner-Evans DB, Kayes BM, et al. (2008) Photovoltaic measurements in single-nanowire silicon solar cells. Nano Letters. 8: 710-4 |