David W. McCamant, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2004 | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
biophysical chemistryGoogle:
"David McCamant"Mean distance: 8.26 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorRichard Alfred Mathies | grad student | 2004 | UC Berkeley | |
(Femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy of ultrafast biophysical reaction dynamics.) |
Sign in to add traineeJessica Freeze | research assistant | 2017 | Rochester |
Zachary T. Piontkowski | grad student | 2014-2020 |
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Gustin I, Kim CW, McCamant DW, et al. (2023) Mapping electronic decoherence pathways in molecules. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 120: e2309987120 |
Sandoval JS, McCamant DW. (2023) The Best Models of Bodipy's Electronic Excited State: Comparing Predictions from Various DFT Functionals with Measurements from Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 127: 8238-8251 |
Sandoval JS, Gong Q, Jiao L, et al. (2023) Stimulated Resonance Raman and Excited-State Dynamics in an Excitonically Coupled Bodipy Dimer: A Test for TD-DFT and the Polarizable Continuum Model. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 127: 7156-7167 |
Na Quan L, Ma D, Zhao Y, et al. (2020) Edge stabilization in reduced-dimensional perovskites. Nature Communications. 11: 170 |
Zheng C, Mark MF, Wiegand T, et al. (2020) Measurement and Theoretical Interpretation of Exciton Diffusion as a Function of Intermolecular Separation for Squaraines Targeted for Bulk Heterojunction Solar Cells The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124: 4032-4043 |
Piontkowski Z, Wang Y, Liu Y, et al. (2020) Electron Transfer in Rhodamine–TiO2 Complexes Studied as a Function of Chalcogen and Bridge Substitution The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 124: 2851-2863 |
Piontkowski Z, Mark DJ, Bedics MA, et al. (2019) Excited State Torsional Processes in Chalcogenopyrylium Monomethine Dyes. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A |
Piontkowski Z, McCamant DW. (2018) Excited state planarization in donor-bridge dye sensitizers: phenylene vs. thiophene bridges. Journal of the American Chemical Society |
Ho PY, Mark MF, Wang Y, et al. (2018) Panchromatic Sensitization Using Zn(II) Porphyrin-Based Photosensitizers for Light-Driven Hydrogen Production in Water. Chemsuschem |
Gong X, Voznyy O, Jain A, et al. (2018) Electron-phonon interaction in efficient perovskite blue emitters. Nature Materials |