Chung N. Liu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States |
biophysical chemistryGoogle:
"Chung Liu"Mean distance: 8.26 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorRichard Alfred Mathies | grad student | 2007 | UC Berkeley | |
(Development of a high-throughput and fully-integrated bioanalytical microdevice for genetic analysis.) |
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Toriello NM, Liu CN, Blazej RG, et al. (2007) Integrated affinity capture, purification, and capillary electrophoresis microdevice for quantitative double-stranded DNA analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 79: 8549-56 |
Toriello NM, Liu CN, Mathies RA. (2006) Multichannel reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction microdevice for rapid gene expression and biomarker analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 78: 7997-8003 |
Liu CN, Toriello NM, Mathies RA. (2006) Multichannel PCR-CE microdevice for genetic analysis. Analytical Chemistry. 78: 5474-9 |
Toriello NM, Liu CN, Mathies RA. (2006) Multichannel reverse transcription-PCR microdevice for rapid multiplex gene expression analysis Micro Total Analysis Systems - Proceedings of Microtas 2006 Conference: 10th International Conference On Miniaturized Systems For Chemistry and Life Sciences. 1453-1455 |
Grover WH, Skelley AM, Liu CN, et al. (2003) Monolithic membrane valves and diaphragm pumps for practical large-scale integration into glass microfluidic devices Sensors and Actuators, B: Chemical. 89: 315-323 |