David P. Duberow, Ph.D.

2009 Chemistry University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
biophysical chemistry
"David Duberow"
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Richard Alfred Mathies grad student 2009 UC Berkeley
 (Microchip technology for high-throughput cancer pathology.)
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Duberow DP, Brait M, Hoque MO, et al. (2016) High-performance detection of somatic D-loop mutation in urothelial cell carcinoma patients by polymorphism ratio sequencing. Journal of Molecular Medicine (Berlin, Germany)
Dasgupta S, Shao C, Keane TE, et al. (2012) Detection of mitochondrial deoxyribonucleic acid alterations in urine from urothelial cell carcinoma patients. International Journal of Cancer. Journal International Du Cancer. 131: 158-64
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