Katelyn M. Spillane, Ph.D.

2011 Chemistry University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
biophysical chemistry
"Katelyn Spillane"
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Richard Alfred Mathies grad student 2011 UC Berkeley
 (Spectroscopic Studies of the Primary Photochemical Dynamics of Phytochrome Cph1 and Rhodopsin.)
Philipp Kukura post-doc 2011-2013 Oxford
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Schnedermann C, Yang X, Liebel M, et al. (2018) Evidence for a vibrational phase-dependent isotope effect on the photochemistry of vision. Nature Chemistry
Spillane KM, Ortega-Arroyo J, de Wit G, et al. (2014) High-speed single-particle tracking of GM1 in model membranes reveals anomalous diffusion due to interleaflet coupling and molecular pinning. Nano Letters. 14: 5390-7
Ortega Arroyo J, Andrecka J, Spillane KM, et al. (2014) Label-free, all-optical detection, imaging, and tracking of a single protein. Nano Letters. 14: 2065-70
Polli D, Weingart O, Brida D, et al. (2014) Wavepacket splitting and two-pathway deactivation in the photoexcited visual pigment isorhodopsin. Angewandte Chemie (International Ed. in English). 53: 2504-7
de Wit G, Spillane KM, Ortega-Arroyo J, et al. (2014) Immobilization of GM1 Causes Pinning and Anomalous Diffusion of Cholera Toxin Bound GM1 Across a Bilayer Membrane Biophysical Journal. 106: 500a
Polli D, Weingart O, Brida D, et al. (2014) Aufspaltung des Wellenpakets und Doppelpfad-Desaktivierung im photoangeregten Sehpigment Isorhodopsin Angewandte Chemie. 126: 2537-2541
Andrecka J, Spillane KM, Ortega-Arroyo J, et al. (2013) Direct observation and control of supported lipid bilayer formation with interferometric scattering microscopy. Acs Nano. 7: 10662-70
Polli D, Brida D, Manzoni C, et al. (2013) Conical intersection dynamics in rhodopsin and its analog isorhodopsin Optics Infobase Conference Papers
Spillane KM, Ortega-Arroyo J, Kukura P. (2013) High-Speed Interferometric Scattering Microscopy of Receptor Mobility Reveals Anomalous Diffusion in Model Membranes Biophysical Journal. 104: 427a
Polli D, Brida D, Manzoni C, et al. (2013) Conical intersection dynamics in rhodopsin and its analog isorhodopsin Optics Infobase Conference Papers
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