David P. Hoffman, Ph.D.

2014 Chemistry University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, United States 
biophysical chemistry
"David Hoffman"
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Richard Alfred Mathies grad student 2014 UC Berkeley
 (Molecular Choreography of Isomerization and Electron Transfer Using One and Two Dimensional Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectroscopy.)
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Ellis SR, Hoffman DP, Park M, et al. (2018) Difference Bands in Time Resolved Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Spectra of Photoexcited Intermolecular Electron Transfer from Chloronapthalene to Tetracyanoetheylene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A
Hoffman DP, Mathies RA. (2016) Femtosecond Stimulated Raman Exposes the Role of Vibrational Coherence in Condensed-Phase Photoreactivity. Accounts of Chemical Research
Hoffman DP, Leblebici SY, Schwartzberg AM, et al. (2015) Exciton Mobility in Organic Photovoltaic Heterojunctions from Femtosecond Stimulated Raman. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 6: 2919-23
Valley DT, Hoffman DP, Mathies RA. (2015) Reactive and unreactive pathways in a photochemical ring opening reaction from 2D femtosecond stimulated Raman. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 17: 9231-40
Hoffman DP, Ellis SR, Mathies RA. (2014) Characterization of a conical intersection in a charge-transfer dimer with two-dimensional time-resolved stimulated Raman spectroscopy. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 118: 4955-65
Hoffman DP, Ellis SR, Mathies RA. (2013) Low frequency resonant impulsive Raman modes reveal inversion mechanism for azobenzene. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 117: 11472-8
Hoffman DP, Valley D, Ellis SR, et al. (2013) Optimally shaped narrowband picosecond pulses for femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy. Optics Express. 21: 21685-92
Hoffman DP, Lee OP, Millstone JE, et al. (2013) Electron transfer dynamics of triphenylamine dyes bound to TiO2 nanoparticles from femtosecond stimulated Raman spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 117: 6990-6997
Hoffman DP, Mathies RA. (2012) Photoexcited structural dynamics of an azobenzene analog 4-nitro-4'-dimethylamino-azobenzene from femtosecond stimulated Raman. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp. 14: 6298-306
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