George C. Chan, Ph.D.

2007 Chemistry Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
basic mechanisms in atomic emission, absorption, fluorescence and mass spectrometric analysis, and the development of instrumentation and techniques for atomic methods of analysis
"George Chan"
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Gary M. Hieftje grad student 2007 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Fundamental mechanisms and diagnostic tools for interference effects in inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry.)
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Chan GC, Hieftje GM, Omenetto N, et al. (2024) EXPRESS: Landmark Publications in Analytical Atomic Spectrometry: Fundamentals and Instrumentation Development. Applied Spectroscopy. 37028241263567
Chan GC, Engelhard C, Wiley JS, et al. (2023) Characterization of a Low-Temperature Plasma (LTP) Ambient Ionization Source Using Temporally Resolved Monochromatic Imaging Spectrometry. Applied Spectroscopy. 77: 940-956
Yang C, Chan GC, He D, et al. (2018) Highly Sensitive Determination of Arsenic and Antimony based on an Interrupted Gas Flow Atmospheric Pressure Glow Discharge Excitation Source. Analytical Chemistry
Badal SP, Michalak SD, Chan GC, et al. (2016) Tunable Ionization Modes of a Flowing Atmospheric-Pressure Afterglow (FAPA) Ambient Ionization Source. Analytical Chemistry
Pfeuffer KP, Schaper JN, Shelley JT, et al. (2013) Halo-shaped flowing atmospheric pressure afterglow: a heavenly design for simplified sample introduction and improved ionization in ambient mass spectrometry. Analytical Chemistry. 85: 7512-8
Chan GC, Hieftje GM. (2013) Spatial emission profiles for flagging matrix interferences in axial-viewing inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry: 2. Statistical protocol. Analytical Chemistry. 85: 58-65
Chan GC, Hieftje GM. (2013) Spatial emission profiles for flagging matrix interferences in axial-viewing inductively coupled plasma-atomic emission spectrometry: 1. Profile characteristics and flagging efficiency. Analytical Chemistry. 85: 50-7
Schwartz AJ, Ray SJ, Elish E, et al. (2012) Visual observations of an atmospheric-pressure solution-cathode glow discharge. Talanta. 102: 26-33
Shelley JT, Chan GC, Hieftje GM. (2012) Understanding the flowing atmospheric-pressure afterglow (FAPA) ambient ionization source through optical means. Journal of the American Society For Mass Spectrometry. 23: 407-17
Chan GC, Shelley JT, Wiley JS, et al. (2011) Elucidation of reaction mechanisms responsible for afterglow and reagent-ion formation in the low-temperature plasma probe ambient ionization source. Analytical Chemistry. 83: 3675-86
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