Dorothee E. Lahaye, Ph.D.

2005 Princeton University, Princeton, NJ 
Bioorganic and Bioinorganic Chemistry
"Dorothee Lahaye"
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John T. Groves grad student 2005 Princeton
 (Water -soluble meso-imidazolyl manganese porphyrins: Biomimetics and oxidation catalysis.)
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Jin N, Lahaye DE, Groves JT. (2010) A "push-pull" mechanism for heterolytic o-o bond cleavage in hydroperoxo manganese porphyrins. Inorganic Chemistry. 49: 11516-24
Lahaye D, Groves JT. (2007) Modeling the haloperoxidases: reversible oxygen atom transfer between bromide ion and an oxo-Mn(V) porphyrin. Journal of Inorganic Biochemistry. 101: 1786-97
Puranik M, Weeks CL, Lahaye D, et al. (2006) Dynamics of carbon monoxide binding to cystathionine βsynthase Journal of Biological Chemistry. 281: 13433-13438
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