Viktor N. Staroverov, Ph.D.

2001 Indiana University, Bloomington, Bloomington, IN, United States 
Quantum Chemistry
"Viktor Staroverov"
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Ernest R. Davidson grad student 2001 Indiana University Bloomington
 (Molecular properties from reduced density matrices.)
Gustavo E. Scuseria post-doc 2001-2006 Rice University


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Alex P. Gaiduk grad student 2008-2013 Western University
Ilya G. Ryabinkin post-doc 2009-2012
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Moore CC, Staroverov VN. (2024) Are Exact Exchange-Correlation Potentials Continuous at Atomic Nuclei in Molecules? Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 20: 8934-8939
Moore CC, Staroverov VN. (2024) Jump discontinuities of finite-basis-set exchange-correlation potentials at atomic nuclei. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 161
Moore CC, Staroverov VN. (2024) Discontinuities of Kinetic Energy Densities within Finite and Complete Basis Sets. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 128: 6019-6025
Sizov GN, Staroverov VN. (2024) Analytic Construction of One-Electron Reduced Density Matrices from Electron Densities within Finite Basis Sets. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Bosko IP, Staroverov VN. (2023) Derivation and reinterpretation of the Fermi-Amaldi functional. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 159
Oueis Y, Sizov GN, Staroverov VN. (2023) Local Potentials Reconstructed within Linearly Independent Product Basis Sets of Increasing Size. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 127: 2664-2669
Oueis Y, Staroverov VN. (2022) Multiplicative potentials for kinetic energy and exact exchange. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 157: 204107
Teale AM, Helgaker T, Savin A, et al. (2022) DFT exchange: sharing perspectives on the workhorse of quantum chemistry and materials science. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Oueis Y, Staroverov VN. (2022) Reconstruction of Exchange-Correlation Potentials from Their Matrix Representations. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 18: 6092-6098
Staroverov VN. (2022) Noninteracting -Representable Subspaces of Orbitals in the Kohn-Sham Method. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters. 13: 6839-6844
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