Mahamud Subir, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2009 | Columbia University, New York, NY |
Ultrafast Excited State Electron Transfer at the Organic Liquid/Aqueous InterfaceGoogle:
"Mahamud Subir"Mean distance: 8.72 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorKenneth B. Eisenthal | grad student | 2009 | Columbia | |
(Investigation of equilibrium and kinetic properties of charged and neutral molecules at the colloidal and the aqueous interfaces.) | ||||
Parisa A. Ariya | post-doc | 2009-2012 | McGill |
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Kaylor L, Skelly P, Alsarrani M, et al. (2021) Enhanced malachite green photolysis at the colloidal-aqueous interface. Chemosphere. 287: 131953 |
Williams T, Walsh C, Murray K, et al. (2020) Interactions of emerging contaminants with model colloidal microplastics, C fullerene, and natural organic matter - effect of surface functional group and adsorbate properties. Environmental Science. Processes & Impacts |
Headley D, Young RS, Reece M, et al. (2018) Variation in Average Molecular Orientation of an Organic Anion at the Air–Aqueous Interface: Influence of Halide Ions The Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 122: 4945-4954 |
Nelson CB, Zubkov T, Adair JD, et al. (2017) A synergistic combination of local tight binding theory and second harmonic generation elucidating surface properties of ZnO nanoparticles. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp |
Ariya PA, Amyot M, Dastoor A, et al. (2015) Mercury physicochemical and biogeochemical transformation in the atmosphere and at atmospheric interfaces: a review and future directions. Chemical Reviews. 115: 3760-802 |
Subir M, Eltouny N, Ariya PA. (2015) A surface second harmonic generation investigation of volatile organic compound adsorption on a liquid mercury surface Rsc Advances. 5: 23464-23470 |
Subir M, Ariya PA, Dastoor AP. (2012) A review of the sources of uncertainties in atmospheric mercury modeling II. Mercury surface and heterogeneous chemistry - A missing link Atmospheric Environment. 46: 1-10 |
Subir M, Ariya PA, Dastoor AP. (2011) A review of uncertainties in atmospheric modeling of mercury chemistry I. Uncertainties in existing kinetic parameters - Fundamental limitations and the importance of heterogeneous chemistry Atmospheric Environment. 45: 5664-5676 |
Rao Y, Subir M, McArthur EA, et al. (2009) Organic ions at the air/water interface Chemical Physics Letters. 477: 241-244 |
Liu J, Subir M, Nguyen K, et al. (2008) Second harmonic studies of ions crossing liposome membranes in real time. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 112: 15263-6 |