Dennis Lazarev, Ph.D.

2002 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
non-coding RNA
"Dennis Lazarev"
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Ronald R. Breaker grad student 2002 Yale
 (Reaction kinetics of novel RNA -cleaving ribozymes: Preliminary evidence for ribozyme speed limit theory.)
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Lazarev D, Manley JL. (2007) Concurrent splicing and transcription are not sufficient to enhance splicing efficiency. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 13: 1546-57
Breaker RR, Emilsson GM, Lazarev D, et al. (2003) A common speed limit for RNA-cleaving ribozymes and deoxyribozymes. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 9: 949-57
Lazarev D, Puskarz I, Breaker RR. (2003) Substrate specificity and reaction kinetics of an X-motif ribozyme. Rna (New York, N.Y.). 9: 688-97
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