Kirsten F. Block, Ph.D.

2010 Yale University, New Haven, CT 
non-coding RNA
"Kirsten Block"
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Ronald R. Breaker grad student 2010 Yale
 (Exploring Complex Noncoding RNAs in Bacteria.)
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Block KF, Puerta-Fernandez E, Wallace JG, et al. (2011) Association of OLE RNA with bacterial membranes via an RNA-protein interaction. Molecular Microbiology. 79: 21-34
Block KF, Hammond MC, Breaker RR. (2010) Evidence for widespread gene control function by the ydaO riboswitch candidate. Journal of Bacteriology. 192: 3983-9
Weinberg Z, Barrick JE, Yao Z, et al. (2007) Identification of 22 candidate structured RNAs in bacteria using the CMfinder comparative genomics pipeline. Nucleic Acids Research. 35: 4809-19
Sudarsan N, Hammond MC, Block KF, et al. (2006) Tandem riboswitch architectures exhibit complex gene control functions. Science (New York, N.Y.). 314: 300-4
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