Fangqiang Zhu, Ph.D.

2004 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
theoretical biophysics
"Fangqiang Zhu"
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Klaus Schulten grad student 2004 UIUC
 (Theoretical and computational studies of microscopic water channels.)
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Zhou X, Zhu F. (2019) Calculating Single-Channel Permeability and Conductance from Transition Paths. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Sha H, Zhu F. (2017) Parameter Optimization for Interaction between C-Terminal Domains of HIV-1 Capsid Protein. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Meshkin H, Zhu F. (2017) Thermodynamics of Protein Folding Studied by Umbrella Sampling along a Reaction Coordinate of Native Contacts. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation
Leng X, Cavazos A, Ray B, et al. (2017) Vitamin E does not Preferentially Bind to Polyunsaturated Lipids as Revealed by Umbrella Sampling MD Simulations Biophysical Journal. 112: 74a
Song HD, Zhu F. (2016) Finite Temperature String Method with Umbrella Sampling: Application on a Side Chain Flipping in Mhp1 Transporter. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B
Leng X, Zhu F, Wassall SR. (2016) Binding of Vitamin E in Model Membranes Studied by Umbrella Sampling Simulations Biophysical Journal. 110: 583a
Qiao X, Jeon J, Weber J, et al. (2015) Construction of a novel coarse grain model for simulations of HIV capsid assembly to capture the backbone structure and inter-domain motions in solution. Data in Brief. 5: 506-512
Song HD, Zhu F. (2015) Conformational Changes in Two Inter-Helical Loops of Mhp1 Membrane Transporter. Plos One. 10: e0133388
Zhu F, Chen B. (2015) Monte Carlo Simulations of HIV Capsid Protein Homodimer. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling
Xue Y, Yuwen T, Zhu F, et al. (2014) Role of electrostatic interactions in binding of peptides and intrinsically disordered proteins to their folded targets. 1. NMR and MD characterization of the complex between the c-Crk N-SH3 domain and the peptide Sos. Biochemistry. 53: 6473-95
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