Barry Isralewitz, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2007 | University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL |
theoretical biophysicsGoogle:
"Barry Isralewitz"Mean distance: 8.65 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorKlaus Schulten | grad student | 2007 | UIUC | |
(Enforced large-scale motions in proteins.) |
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Hardy DJ, Isralewitz B, Stone JE, et al. (2021) Lessons Learned from Responsive Molecular Dynamics Studies of the COVID-19 Virus. Proceedings of Urgenthpc 2021 : the Third International Workshop On Hpc For Urgent Decision Making. 2021: 1-10 |
Singharoy A, Maffeo C, Delgado-Magnero KH, et al. (2019) Atoms to Phenotypes: Molecular Design Principles of Cellular Energy Metabolism. Cell. 179: 1098-1111.e23 |
Stone JE, Sener M, Vandivort KL, et al. (2016) Atomic Detail Visualization of Photosynthetic Membranes with GPU-Accelerated Ray Tracing. Parallel Computing. 55: 17-27 |
Stone JE, Sener M, Vandivort KL, et al. (2015) Atomic detail visualization of photosynthetic membranes with GPU-accelerated ray tracing Parallel Computing |
Stone JE, McGreevy R, Isralewitz B, et al. (2014) GPU-accelerated analysis and visualization of large structures solved by molecular dynamics flexible fitting. Faraday Discussions. 169: 265-83 |
Stone JE, Isralewitz B, Schulten K. (2014) Early experiences scaling VMD molecular visualization and analysis jobs on blue waters Proceedings - 2013 Extreme Scaling Workshop, Xsw 2013. 43-50 |
Kleinekathöfer U, Isralewitz B, Dittrich M, et al. (2011) Domain motion of individual F1-ATPase β-subunits during unbiased molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. A. 115: 7267-74 |
Tajkhorshid E, Aksimentiev A, Balabin I, et al. (2003) Large scale simulation of protein mechanics and function. Advances in Protein Chemistry. 66: 195-247 |
Isralewitz B, Baudry J, Gullingsrud J, et al. (2001) Steered molecular dynamics investigations of protein function. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling. 19: 13-25 |
Isralewitz B, Gao M, Schulten K. (2001) Steered molecular dynamics and mechanical functions of proteins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology. 11: 224-30 |