Xiaole Liu, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2002 | Stanford University, Palo Alto, CA |
"Xiaole Liu"Mean distance: 10.24 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorDouglas L. Brutlag | grad student | 2002 | Stanford | |
(Discovery of transcription factor binding sites using computational statistics.) |
Sign in to add traineeBo Li | grad student | The University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center | |
Yiwen Chen | post-doc | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | |
Wei Li | post-doc | George Washington University | |
Wei Li | post-doc | Baylor College of Medicine | |
Tao Liu | post-doc | SUNY Buffalo | |
Graham McVicker | post-doc | Salk Institute, La Jolla, California | |
Jun S. Song | post-doc | UIUC | |
Han Xu | post-doc | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center | |
Chongzhi Zang | post-doc | (Physics Tree) |
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Qin Q, Fan J, Zheng R, et al. (2020) Lisa: inferring transcriptional regulators through integrative modeling of public chromatin accessibility and ChIP-seq data. Genome Biology. 21: 32 |
Cato L, de Tribolet-Hardy J, Lee I, et al. (2019) ARv7 Represses Tumor-Suppressor Genes in Castration-Resistant Prostate Cancer. Cancer Cell |
Wang B, Wang M, Zhang W, et al. (2019) Integrative analysis of pooled CRISPR genetic screens using MAGeCKFlute. Nature Protocols |
Zheng R, Wan C, Mei S, et al. (2018) Cistrome Data Browser: expanded datasets and new tools for gene regulatory analysis. Nucleic Acids Research |
Xiao T, Li W, Wang X, et al. (2018) Estrogen-regulated feedback loop limits the efficacy of estrogen receptor-targeted breast cancer therapy. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Mei S, Meyer CA, Zheng R, et al. (2017) Cistrome Cancer: A Web Resource for Integrative Gene Regulation Modeling in Cancer. Cancer Research. 77: e19-e22 |
Cao Q, Ma J, Chen CH, et al. (2017) CRISPR-FOCUS: A web server for designing focused CRISPR screening experiments. Plos One. 12: e0184281 |
Fei T, Chen Y, Xiao T, et al. (2017) Genome-wide CRISPR screen identifies HNRNPL as a prostate cancer dependency regulating RNA splicing. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |
Li MJ, Zhang J, Liang Q, et al. (2017) Exploring genetic associations with ceRNA regulation in the human genome. Nucleic Acids Research |
Liu Y, Chen S, Wang S, et al. (2017) Transcriptional landscape of the human cell cycle. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America |