Xueying Qin, Ph.D.

2007 Chemistry University of California, San Diego, La Jolla, CA 
gas/particle processes of tropospheric significance; mass spectrometry; laser-based analysis techniques
"Xueying Qin"
Mean distance: 9.22


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Kimberly A. Prather grad student 2007 UCSD
 (Characterization of ambient aerosol composition and formation mechanisms and development of quantification methodologies utilizing ATOFMS.)
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Tang Q, Qin X, Dong H, et al. (2019) Novel drag coefficient models of ionic liquid – spherical particle system Chemical Engineering Science. 204: 177-185
Hu S, Qin X, Zhou G, et al. (2016) Effect of doping concentration on particle growth and luminescence properties of monodispersed Dy3+: Y2O3 Journal of Alloys and Compounds. 664: 304-310
Xu B, Zhang ZF, Li YW, et al. (2015) [Hygroscopic Properties of Aerosol Particles in North Suburb of Nanjing in Spring]. Huan Jing Ke Xue= Huanjing Kexue / [Bian Ji, Zhongguo Ke Xue Yuan Huan Jing Ke Xue Wei Yuan Hui "Huan Jing Ke Xue" Bian Ji Wei Yuan Hui.]. 36: 1911-8
Qin X, Pratt KA, Shields LG, et al. (2012) Seasonal comparisons of single-particle chemical mixing state in Riverside, CA Atmospheric Environment. 59: 587-596
Gaston CJ, Pratt KA, Qin X, et al. (2010) Real-Time detection and mixing state of methanesulfonate in single particles at an inland urban location during a phytoplankton bloom. Environmental Science & Technology. 44: 1566-72
Shields LG, Qin X, Toner SM, et al. (2008) Detection of ambient ultrafine aerosols by single particle techniques during the SOAR 2005 campaign Aerosol Science and Technology. 42: 674-684
Moffet RC, Qin X, Rebotier T, et al. (2008) Chemically segregated optical and microphysical properties of ambient aerosols measured in a single-particle mass spectrometer Journal of Geophysical Research: Atmospheres. 113
Eatough DJ, Grover BD, Woolwine WR, et al. (2008) Source apportionment of 1 h semi-continuous data during the 2005 Study of Organic Aerosols in Riverside (SOAR) using positive matrix factorization Atmospheric Environment. 42: 2706-2719
Qin X, Bhave PV, Prather KA. (2006) Comparison of two methods for obtaining quantitative mass concentrations from aerosol time-of-flight mass spectrometry measurements. Analytical Chemistry. 78: 6169-78
Su Y, Sipin MF, Spencer MT, et al. (2006) Real-time characterization of the composition of individual particles emitted from ultrafine particle concentrators Aerosol Science and Technology. 40: 437-455
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