Boaz Ilan, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States |
statistical mechanical methods to study molecular motions and dynamical processes including reaction kinetics, transport, and spectroscopyGoogle:
"Boaz Ilan"Mean distance: 9.62 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorRoger F. Loring | grad student | 2001 | Cornell | |
(Dynamics in supercooled polymer melts.) |
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Mitchell KA, Ilan B. (2009) Nonlinear enhancement of the fractal structure in the escape dynamics of Bose-Einstein condensates Physical Review a - Atomic, Molecular, and Optical Physics. 80 |
Sivan Y, Fibich G, Ilan B. (2008) Lateral dynamics of lattice solitons Conference On Quantum Electronics and Laser Science (Qels) - Technical Digest Series |
Ilan B, Loring RF. (2001) Polymer motions from localization to Rouse dynamics in supercooled melts Journal of Chemical Physics. 114: 9156-9162 |
Ilan B, Loring RF. (2000) Relaxation in a supercooled polymer melt within the dynamically disordered Rouse model Journal of Chemical Physics. 112: 10588-10598 |
Ilan B, Loring RF. (1999) Local Vitrification Model for Melt Dynamics Macromolecules. 32: 949-951 |