Anne M. Goj, Ph.D.

2007 Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, United States 
statistical mechanical methods to study molecular motions and dynamical processes including reaction kinetics, transport, and spectroscopy
"Anne Goj"
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Roger F. Loring grad student 2007 Cornell
 (Vibrational dephasing in a mutant myoglobin.)
Eric R. Bittner post-doc 2007-2012 University of Houston
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Goj A, Bittner ER. (2011) Mixed quantum classical simulations of excitons in peptide helices. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 134: 205103
Bittner ER, Goj AM, Burghardt I. (2010) Drift-diffusion of a localized quantum state along a thermal gradient in a model α-helix Chemical Physics. 370: 137-142
Goj A, Loring RF. (2007) Comment on "ultrafast dynamics of myoglobin without the distal histidine: stimulated vibrational echo experiments and molecular dynamics simulations". The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 111: 12938-9
Goj A, Loring RF. (2007) Dephasing dynamics in confined myoglobin Chemical Physics. 341: 37-44
Goj A, Loring RF. (2006) Effect of noise on the classical and quantum mechanical nonlinear response of resonantly coupled anharmonic oscillators. The Journal of Chemical Physics. 124: 194101
Finkelstein IJ, Goj A, McClain BL, et al. (2005) Ultrafast dynamics of myoglobin without the distal histidine: stimulated vibrational echo experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 109: 16959-66
Massari AM, Finkelstein IJ, McClain BL, et al. (2005) The influence of aqueous versus glassy solvents on protein dynamics: vibrational echo experiments and molecular dynamics simulations. Journal of the American Chemical Society. 127: 14279-89
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