Sujit Srinivas, Ph.D.

2005 University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
biotechnology, energy and environment
"Sujit Srinivas"
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Erdogan Gulari grad student 2005 University of Michigan
 (Novel concepts in reactor design and engineering for fuel processing: The preferential oxidation of carbon monoxide in a hydrogen -rich reformate.)
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Srinivas S, Gulari E. (2006) Preferential CO oxidation in a two-stage packed-bed reactor: Optimization of oxygen split ratio and evaluation of system robustness Catalysis Communications. 7: 819-826
Srinivas S, Dhingra A, Im H, et al. (2004) A scalable silicon microreactor for preferential CO oxidation: Performance comparison with a tubular packed-bed microreactor Applied Catalysis a: General. 274: 285-293
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