Jianping Lin, Ph.D.

2005 Duke University, Durham, NC 
theoretical chemistry
"Jianping Lin"
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David N. Beratan grad student 2005 Duke
 (Conformational dependence of electron transfer through molecular media: Hydrocarbons, proteins, and interfacial solvent.)
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Li Y, Sun J, Li D, et al. (2016) Activation and conformational dynamics of a class B G-protein-coupled glucagon receptor. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics : Pccp
Lin J, Balamurugan D, Zhang P, et al. (2015) Two-Electron Transfer Pathways. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 119: 7589-97
Skourtis SS, Lin J, Beratan DN. (2006) The effects of bridge motion on electron transfer reactions mediated by tunneling Modern Methods For Theoretical Physical Chemistry of Biopolymers. 357-382
Lin J, Beratan DN. (2005) Simulation of electron transfer between cytochrome C2 and the bacterial photosynthetic reaction center: Brownian dynamics analysis of the native proteins and double mutants. The Journal of Physical Chemistry. B. 109: 7529-34
Lin J, Balabin IA, Beratan DN. (2005) The nature of aqueous tunneling pathways between electron-transfer proteins. Science (New York, N.Y.). 310: 1311-3
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