Xiaoming He, Ph.D.

2013 Chemistry Dartmouth College, Hanover, NH, United States 
Bioinorganic chemistry, thermodynamics of metal-protein interactions, metalloenzymes, nitric oxide biochemistry
"Xiaoming He"
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Dean E. Wilcox grad student 2013 Dartmouth
 (Quantitative electron paramagnetic resonance for fingernail dosimetry.)
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He X, Swarts SG, Demidenko E, et al. (2014) Development and validation of an ex vivo electron paramagnetic resonance fingernail biodosimetric method. Radiation Protection Dosimetry. 159: 172-81
Swartz HM, Flood AB, Williams BB, et al. (2012) Electron paramagnetic resonance dosimetry for a large-scale radiation incident. Health Physics. 103: 255-67
He X, Gui J, Matthews TP, et al. (2011) Advances towards using finger/toenail dosimetry to triage a large population after potential exposure to ionizing radiation. Radiation Measurements. 46: 882-887
Wilcox DE, He X, Gui J, et al. (2010) Dosimetry based on EPR spectral analysis of fingernail clippings. Health Physics. 98: 309-17
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