Claudine M. Chen, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2001 | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Claudine Chen"Mean distance: 9.88 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarry A. Atwater | grad student | 2001 | Caltech | |
(Polycrystalline silicon thin films for photovoltaics.) |
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Tanabe H, Chen CM, Atwater HA. (2000) Grain boundary filtration by selective nucleation and solid phase epitaxy of Ge through planar constrictions Applied Physics Letters. 77: 4325-4327 |
Petkov MP, Chen CM, Atwater HA, et al. (2000) A relation between surface oxide and oxygen-defect complexes in solid-phase epitaxial Si regrown from ion-beam-amorphized Si layers Applied Physics Letters. 76: 1410-1412 |
Puglisi R, Tanabe H, Chen C, et al. (2000) Large-grained polycrystalline Si films obtained by selective nucleation and solid phase epitaxy Materials Science and Engineering: B. 73: 212-217 |
Puglisi RA, Tanabe H, Chen CM, et al. (1999) Ni-Induced Selective Nucleation and Solid Phase Epitaxy of Large-Grained Poly-Si on Glass Mrs Proceedings. 587 |
Chen CM, Rassiga S, Gessmann T, et al. (1999) The Role of Vacancies and Dopants in Si Solid-Phase Epitaxial Crystallization Mrs Proceedings. 557 |
Chen CM, Atwater HA. (1997) Polycrystalline Si Films Fabricated by Low Temperature Selective Nucleation and Solid Phase Epitaxy Process Mrs Proceedings. 485 |