Xiankai Sun, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2010 | Applied Physics | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Xiankai Sun"Mean distance: 9.88 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarry A. Atwater | grad student | 2010 | Caltech | |
(Supermode Silicon/III--V Lasers and Circular Bragg Lasers.) |
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Ma J, Zhou T, Tang M, et al. (2023) Room-temperature continuous-wave topological Dirac-vortex microcavity lasers on silicon. Light, Science & Applications. 12: 255 |
Zhou X, Xue Y, Ye F, et al. (2023) High coupling efficiency waveguide grating couplers on lithium niobate. Optics Letters. 48: 3267-3270 |
Liu XJ, Yu Y, Liu D, et al. (2023) Coupling of Photon Emitters in Monolayer WS with a Photonic Waveguide Based on Bound States in the Continuum. Nano Letters |
Yu Z, Sun X. (2020) Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum. Light, Science & Applications. 9: 1 |
Yu Z, Tong Y, Tsang HK, et al. (2020) High-dimensional communication on etchless lithium niobate platform with photonic bound states in the continuum. Nature Communications. 11: 2602 |
Xi X, Chen Z, Xu JB, et al. (2020) Graphene-assisted electro-optomechanical integration on a silicon-on-insulator platform. Optics Express. 28: 14386-14395 |
Yu Z, Sun X. (2020) Acousto-optic modulation of photonic bound state in the continuum. Light, Science & Applications. 9: 1 |
Zhou T, Ng KW, Sun X, et al. (2020) Ultra-thin curved visible microdisk lasers with three-dimensional whispering gallery modes Nanophotonics. 9: 2997-3002 |
Zhou W, Tong Y, Sun X, et al. (2020) Ultra-Broadband Hyperuniform Disordered Silicon Photonic Polarizers Ieee Journal of Selected Topics in Quantum Electronics. 26: 1-9 |
Wang Y, Yu Z, Tong Y, et al. (2020) High-speed infrared two-dimensional platinum diselenide photodetectors Applied Physics Letters. 116: 211101 |