Ryan M. Briggs, Ph.D.

2011 Materials Science California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA 
"Ryan Briggs"
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Harry A. Atwater grad student 2011 Caltech
 (Hybrid Silicon Nanophotonic Devices: Enhancing Light Emission, Modulation, and Confinement.)
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Ledezma L, Roy A, Costa L, et al. (2023) Octave-spanning tunable infrared parametric oscillators in nanophotonics. Science Advances. 9: eadf9711
Vyatskikh A, Ng RC, Edwards B, et al. (2020) Additive Manufacturing of High Refractive Index, Nano-architected Titanium Dioxide for 3D Dielectric Photonic Crystals. Nano Letters
Allmaras JP, Wollman EE, Beyer AD, et al. (2020) Demonstration of a Thermally Coupled Row-Column SNSPD Imaging Array. Nano Letters
Korzh B, Zhao Q, Allmaras JP, et al. (2020) Demonstration of sub-3 ps temporal resolution with a superconducting nanowire single-photon detector Nature Photonics. 14: 250-255
Wollman EE, Verma VB, Beyer AD, et al. (2017) UV superconducting nanowire single-photon detectors with high efficiency, low noise, and 4 K operating temperature. Optics Express. 25: 26792-26801
Briggs RM, Frez C, Fradet M, et al. (2016) Low-dissipation 7.4-µm single-mode quantum cascade lasers without epitaxial regrowth. Optics Express. 24: 14589-95
Arbabi A, Briggs RM, Horie Y, et al. (2015) Efficient dielectric metasurface collimating lenses for mid-infrared quantum cascade lasers. Optics Express. 23: 33310-7
Borgentun C, Frez C, Briggs RM, et al. (2015) Single-mode high-power interband cascade lasers for mid-infrared absorption spectroscopy. Optics Express. 23: 2446-50
Burgos SP, Lee HW, Feigenbaum E, et al. (2014) Synthesis and characterization of plasmonic resonant guided wave networks. Nano Letters. 14: 3284-92
Briggs RM, Frez C, Borgentun CE, et al. (2014) Regrowth-free single-mode quantum cascade lasers with power consumption below 1W Applied Physics Letters. 105
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