Jeffrey P. Bosco, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2014 | Chemical Engineering | California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, CA |
"Jeffrey Bosco"Mean distance: 9.88 | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorHarry A. Atwater | grad student | 2014 | Caltech | |
(Rational Design of Zinc Phosphide Heterojunction Photovoltaics.) |
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Vazquez-Mena O, Bosco JP, Ergen O, et al. (2014) Performance enhancement of a graphene-zinc phosphide solar cell using the electric field-effect. Nano Letters. 14: 4280-5 |
Wilson SS, Bosco JP, Tolstova Y, et al. (2014) Interface stoichiometry control to improve device voltage and modify band alignment in ZnO/Cu2O heterojunction solar cells Energy and Environmental Science. 7: 3606-3610 |
Jeon S, Bosco JP, Wilson SS, et al. (2014) Growth mechanism and electronic structure of Zn3P2 on the ga-rich GaAs(001) surface Journal of Physical Chemistry C. 118: 12717-12726 |
Bosco JP, Scanlon DO, Watson GW, et al. (2013) Energy-band alignment of II-VI/Zn3P2 heterojunctions from x-ray photoemission spectroscopy Journal of Applied Physics. 113 |
Bosco JP, Kimball GM, Lewis NS, et al. (2013) Pseudomorphic growth and strain relaxation of α-Zn3P 2 on GaAs(001) by molecular beam epitaxy Journal of Crystal Growth. 363: 205-210 |
Bosco J, Tajdar F, Atwater H. (2012) Molecular beam epitaxy of n-type ZnS: A wide band gap emitter for heterojunction PV devices Conference Record of the Ieee Photovoltaic Specialists Conference. 2513-2517 |
Kimball GM, Bosco JP, Müller AM, et al. (2012) Passivation of Zn3P2 substrates by aqueous chemical etching and air oxidation Journal of Applied Physics. 112 |
Bosco JP, Demers SB, Kimball GM, et al. (2012) Band alignment of epitaxial ZnS/Zn3P2 heterojunctions Journal of Applied Physics. 112 |