Michael D. Kennedy, Ph.D.

2001 Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, United States 
ligand-targeted imaging and therapeutic agents for the diagnosis and treatment of important human diseases
"Michael Kennedy"
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Philip S. Low grad student 2001 Purdue
 (Folate -targeted imaging agents.)
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Wandersee NJ, Punzalan RC, Rettig MP, et al. (2005) Erythrocyte adhesion is modified by alterations in cellular tonicity and volume. British Journal of Haematology. 131: 366-77
Milstein AB, Kennedy MD, Low PS, et al. (2005) Statistical approach for detection and localization of a fluorescing mouse tumor in Intralipid. Applied Optics. 44: 2300-10
Antohe F, Radulescu L, Puchianu E, et al. (2005) Increased uptake of folate conjugates by activated macrophages in experimental hyperlipemia. Cell and Tissue Research. 320: 277-85
Sandoval RM, Kennedy MD, Low PS, et al. (2004) Uptake and trafficking of fluorescent conjugates of folic acid in intact kidney determined using intravital two-photon microscopy. American Journal of Physiology. Cell Physiology. 287: C517-26
Wandersee NJ, Punzalan RC, Sillah NM, et al. (2004) Modulation of Erythrocyte Adhesion by Changes in Cellular Tonicity and Volume. Blood. 104: 1577-1577
Kennedy MD, Jallad KN, Thompson DH, et al. (2003) Optical imaging of metastatic tumors using a folate-targeted fluorescent probe. Journal of Biomedical Optics. 8: 636-41
Kennedy MD, Jallad KN, Lu J, et al. (2003) Evaluation of folate conjugate uptake and transport by the choroid plexus of mice. Pharmaceutical Research. 20: 714-9
Lu JY, Lowe DA, Kennedy MD, et al. (1999) Folate-targeted enzyme prodrug cancer therapy utilizing penicillin-V amidase and a doxorubicin prodrug. Journal of Drug Targeting. 7: 43-53
Reddy JA, Dean D, Kennedy MD, et al. (1999) Optimization of folate-conjugated liposomal vectors for folate receptor-mediated gene therapy. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. 88: 1112-8
Holladay SR, Yang Z, Kennedy MD, et al. (1999) Riboflavin-mediated delivery of a macromolecule into cultured human cells. Biochimica Et Biophysica Acta. 1426: 195-204
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