Tammy E. Starr, Ph.D.

2001 University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill, Chapel Hill, NC 
Molecular Dynamics at the Biological Cell Surfaces
"Tammy Starr"
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Nancy L. Thompson grad student 2001 UNC Chapel Hill
 (Characterization of planar supported membranes and adjacent proteins at dielectric interfaces by fluorescence microscopy: Experiments and theories.)
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Starr TE, Thompson NL. (2002) Fluorescence pattern photobleaching recovery for samples with multi-component diffusion. Biophysical Chemistry. 97: 29-44
Starr TE, Thompson NL. (2002) Local diffusion and concentration of IgG near planar membranes: Measurement by total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy Journal of Physical Chemistry B. 106: 2365-2371
Starr TE, Thompson NL. (2001) Total internal reflection with fluorescence correlation spectroscopy: combined surface reaction and solution diffusion. Biophysical Journal. 80: 1575-84
Lagerholm BC, Starr TE, Volovyk ZN, et al. (2000) Rebinding of IgE Fabs at haptenated planar membranes: measurement by total internal reflection with fluorescence photobleaching recovery. Biochemistry. 39: 2042-51
Starr TE, Thompson NL. (2000) Formation and characterization of planar phospholipid bilayers supported on TiO2 and SrTiO3 single crystals Langmuir. 16: 10301-10308
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