Thomas Stevenson

King's College London, London, UK 
"Thomas Stevenson"
Thomas Stevenson was born at Rainton in Yorkshire and educated at John Collis Nesbit's Kennington school of agriculture and chemistry, where he studied scientific farming for a year [1]. In 1857 Stevenson became a medical pupil to Mr Steel of Bradford. He entered Guy's Hospital Medical School in 1859 and graduated MB, London, in 1863 and MD in 1864. He won several gold medals whilst a student. He became MRCP in 1864 and FRCP in 1871. Stevenson became demonstrator in practical chemistry at Guy's in 1864, and was lecturer in chemistry, 1870-98, and in forensic medicine, 1878-1908, in succession to the renowned Dr Alfred Swaine Taylor (1806-80). He also served as the President of the Institute of Chemistry and of the Society of Public Analysts.

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