William H. Press

1976-1998 Astronomy and Physics Harvard University, Cambridge, MA, United States 
 2007- Computer Science University of Texas at Austin, Austin, Texas, U.S.A. 
"William Press"

Press, William H., Applications of black-hole perturbation techniques. Dissertation (Ph.D.), California Institute of Technology (1973).

Mean distance: 11.26
Cross-listing: Astronomy Tree


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Kip S. Thorne grad student 1973 Caltech
 (Applications of black-hole perturbation techniques.)


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Adam G. Riess research assistant 1996 Harvard
Paul J. Wiita grad student 1976 Princeton
Philip Stephen Marcus grad student 1978 Princeton
Ethan T. Vishniac grad student 1980 Harvard (Astronomy Tree)
David N. Spergel grad student 1985 Harvard
Rahul Tyagi post-doc UT Austin (Chemistry Tree)


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Darrell D. E. Long collaborator (Computer Science Tree)
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Press WH, Teukolsky SA, Vettering WT, et al. (2003) Numerical Recipes in C++: The Art of Scientific Computing (2nd edn) 1 Numerical Recipes Example Book (C++) (2nd edn) 2 Numerical Recipes Multi-Language Code CD ROM with LINUX or UNIX Single-Screen License Revised Version 3 European Journal of Physics. 24: 329-330
Press WH, Teukolsky SA. (1997) Numerical Recipes: Does This Paradigm Have a Future? Computers in Physics. 11: 416
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1996) Is the dust obscuring supernovae in distant galaxies the same as dust in the milky way? Astrophysical Journal. 473: 588-594
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1996) A precise distance indicator: Type 1a supernova multicolor light-curve shapes Astrophysical Journal. 473: 88-109
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1995) Determining the motion of the local group using type IA supernovae light curve shapes The Astrophysical Journal. 445: L91
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1995) Using Type IA supernova light curve shapes to measure the Hubble constant The Astrophysical Journal. 438: L17
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1995) Determining the motion of the local group using type Ia supernovae light curve shapes Astrophysical Journal. 445: L91-L94
Riess AG, Press WH, Kirshner RP. (1995) Using type Ia supernova light curve shapes to measure the Hubble constant Astrophysical Journal. 438: L17-L20
Birchenhall C, Press WH, Teukolsky SA, et al. (1994) Numerical Recipes in C: The Art of Scientific Computing. The Economic Journal. 104: 725
G. W, Press WH, Teukolsky SA, et al. (1994) Numerical Recipes in Fortran: The Art of Scientific Computing. Mathematics of Computation. 62: 433
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