Salvador E. Luria

1950 University of Indiana, Bloomington, IN, United States 
 1950-1958 University of Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, Urbana-Champaign, IL 
 1959-1991 Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA, United States 
"Salvador Luria"

(1912 - 1991)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1969 was awarded jointly to Max Delbrück, Alfred D. Hershey and Salvador E. Luria for their discoveries concerning the replication mechanism and the genetic structure of viruses.
Dr. Luria was at the University of Indiana prior to 1950, the University of Illinois from 1950-1958, and at MIT from 1959 until his death in 1991 (which is the time frame of his associations and collabaorations with Cy Levinthal). --joberdick

Mean distance: 14.08 (cluster 3)
Cross-listing: Neurotree - GenetiTree


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Giuseppe Levi grad student 1935 University of Torino (Neurotree)
Fernand Holweck post-doc 1938-1940 Institut du radium (Physics Tree)


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Max Delbrück collaborator (FlyTree)
Cyrus Levinthal collaborator Columbia
Phillips W. Robbins collaborator MIT
Mark Strauss collaborator (Neurotree)
Raymond Latarjet collaborator 1945-1945 CSHL (ID Tree)
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LURIA SE. (1989) Human Genome Program Science. 246: 873-873
Luria SE. (1989) Human genome program (I) Science. 246: 873
Suit JL, Luria SE. (1988) Expression of the kil gene of the ColE1 plasmid in Escherichia coli Kilr mutants causes release of periplasmic enzymes and of colicin without cell death. Journal of Bacteriology. 170: 4963-6
Altieri M, Suit JL, Fan ML, et al. (1986) Expression of the cloned ColE1 kil gene in normal and Kilr Escherichia coli. Journal of Bacteriology. 168: 648-54
Luria SE. (1985) Themes beyond chemistry: the periodic table. Science (New York, N.Y.). 228: 66-7
Suit JL, Fan ML, Kayalar C, et al. (1985) Genetic study of the functional organization of the colicin E1 molecule. Journal of Bacteriology. 161: 944-8
Suit JL, Fan ML, Sabik JF, et al. (1983) Alternative forms of lethality in mitomycin C-induced bacteria carrying ColE1 plasmids. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 80: 579-83
Sabik JF, Suit JL, Luria SE. (1983) cea-kil operon of the ColE1 plasmid. Journal of Bacteriology. 153: 1479-85
Luria SE. (1982) The mistaken identity of colicin A. Journal of Bacteriology. 149: 386
Suit JL, Fan ML, Luria SE. (1980) Macromolecular syntheses in an Escherichia coli adk mutant. Journal of Bacteriology. 144: 468-72
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