Martin G. Larrabee
Affiliations: | Johns Hopkins University, Baltimore, MD |
Cellular and Molecular NeuroscienceWebsite:
"Martin Glover Larrabee"Bio:
(1910 - 2003)
Mean distance: 14.39 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorHaldan Keffer Hartline | research assistant | 1931 | MBL (Neurotree) | |
Detlev W. Bronk | grad student | 1948 | Penn | |
(The excitation of sympathetic ganglion cells by preganglionic nerve impulses.) |
Sign in to add traineePaul Horowicz | grad student | 1955 | Johns Hopkins |
Floyd John Brinley | grad student | 1961 | Johns Hopkins (Physiology Academic Tree) |
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Larrabee MG. (1996) Partitioning of CO2 production between glucose and lactate in excised sympathetic ganglia, with implications for brain. Journal of Neurochemistry. 67: 1726-34 |
Larrabee MG. (1995) Lactate metabolism and its effects on glucose metabolism in an excised neural tissue. Journal of Neurochemistry. 64: 1734-41 |
Larrabee MG. (1992) Extracellular intermediates of glucose metabolism: fluxes of endogenous lactate and alanine through extracellular pools in embryonic sympathetic ganglia. Journal of Neurochemistry. 59: 1041-52 |
Larrabee MG. (1987) Ontogeny of glucose and lipid metabolism in dorsal root ganglia of chickens. Similarities and contrasts with sympathetic ganglia. Journal of Neurochemistry. 49: 393-8 |
Larrabee MG. (1987) Ontogeny of glucose metabolism in sympathetic ganglia of chickens. Concurrence of maximum rates in the hexosemonophosphate shunt and in synthesis of lipids but not of ribonucleic acid. Journal of Neurochemistry. 48: 417-24 |
Larrabee MG. (1985) Ontogeny of glucose metabolism in sympathetic ganglia of chickens. Changes in the carbon fluxes to CO2, lactate, and tissue constituents from 8 to 19 days of embryonic age. Journal of Neurochemistry. 45: 1193-200 |
Larrabee MG. (1984) Alanine uptake and release by sympathetic ganglia of chicken embryos. Journal of Neurochemistry. 43: 816-29 |
Larrabee MG. (1983) Lactate uptake and release in the presence of glucose by sympathetic ganglia of chicken embryos and by neuronal and nonneuronal cultures prepared from these ganglia. Journal of Neurochemistry. 40: 1237-50 |
Larrabee MG. (1982) [14C]Glucose metabolism in sympathetic ganglia of chicken embryos and in primary cultures of neurons and of other cells from these ganglia. Journal of Neurochemistry. 38: 215-32 |
Larrabee MG. (1980) Metabolic disposition of glucose carbon by sensory ganglia of 15-day-old chicken embryos, with new dynamic models of carbohydrate metabolism. Journal of Neurochemistry. 35: 210-31 |