Karl Friedrich Wilhelm Gottlob Kastner
Affiliations: | University of Erlangen, Erlangen, Bayern, Germany |
"Karl Wilhelm Gottlob Kastner"Bio:
Krätz, Otto, „Kastner, Karl Wilhelm Gottlob“, in: Neue Deutsche Biographie 11 (1977), S. 324 [Onlinefassung]
Triboluminescence, the emission of light when a crystal is sublimated or dissolved or physically crushed
Mean distance: 9.71 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Sign in to add mentorJohann Friedrich August Göttling | grad student | 1805 | University of Jena | |
(Diss. qua fluida, in primis aquam, ubi temperiei vicissitudini subiiciantur , non formae solum, sed chemicae etiam relationis mutationem subire demonstratur) |
Sign in to add traineeJustus Von Liebig | grad student | 1820-1822 | University of Erlangen |
Julius Plücker | grad student | 1820-1823 | University of Bonn (Physics Tree) |
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