Joseph Needham

Caius College University of Cambridge, Cambridge, England, United Kingdom 
"Joseph Needham"

(1900 - 1995)

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Ernest Baldwin research assistant Cambridge
Conrad Hal Waddington research assistant 1933 Cambridge (DevTree)
Hermann Lehmann grad student 1938 Cambridge (GenetiTree)
Jean Louis Auguste Brachet post-doc Cambridge
Arnošt Kleinzeller post-doc 1942-1944 Cambridge
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NEEDHAM J. (2010) Science and technology in China's far south-east. Nature. 157: 175-7
Hervouet Y, Needham J, Tsien T. (1988) Science and Civilisation in China. Volume 5, Chemistry and Chemical Technology. Part I. Paper and Printing Journal of the Economic and Social History of the Orient. 31: 118
Kwok DWY, Needham J. (1982) Science in Traditional China: A Comparative Perspective The American Historical Review. 87: 1441
Needham J. (1982) Book Review: Faith and Science in an Unjust WorldFaith and Science in an Unjust WorldReport of the World Council of Churches Conference on Faith, Science and the Future, July 1979WCC1980 Two vols £6.95: Report of the World Council of Churches Conference on Faith, Science and the Future, July 1979 Theology. 85: 128-130
Needham J. (1980) Science and Civilisation in China State of the Project Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 5: 263-268
Mumford RL, Ronan CA, Needham J. (1979) The Shorter Science and Civilisation in China The History Teacher. 12: 424
Needham J. (1977) Science: East and West The Sciences. 17: 20-21
Needham J. (1976) The Evolution of Ocumenical Science The Rôles of Europe and China Interdisciplinary Science Reviews. 1: 202-214
Goodrich LC, Needham J. (1974) Science and Civilization in China. Pacific Affairs. 47: 79
Gwei-Djen L, Needham J, Needham D. (1972) The coming of ardent water Ambix. 19: 69-112
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