Vassilis Sakizlis
Affiliations: | 2002 | Chemical Engineering | Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom |
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Sakizlis V, Georgiadis MC. (2011) Integration of Design and Control Multi-Parametric Model-Based Control. 2: 133-171 |
Kouramas KI, Sakizlis V, Pistikopoulos EN. (2011) Robust Parametric Model-Based Control Multi-Parametric Model-Based Control. 2: 49-76 |
Sakizlis V, Kouramas KI, Pistikopoulos EN. (2011) Linear Model Predictive Control via Multiparametric Programming Multi-Parametric Model-Based Control. 2: 1-23 |
Sakizlis V, Kouramas KI, Faísca NP, et al. (2007) Towards the design of parametric model predictive controllers for non-linear constrained systems Lecture Notes in Control and Information Sciences. 358: 193-205 |
Mandler JA, Bozinis NA, Sakizlis V, et al. (2006) Parametric Model Predictive Control Of Air Separation Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 39: 617-622 |
Kosmidis V, Panga A, Sakizlis V, et al. (2006) Output feedback parametric controllers for an active valve train actuation system Proceedings of the Ieee Conference On Decision and Control. 4520-4525 |
Manthanwar AM, Sakizlis V, Pistikopoulos EN. (2005) Design Of Robust Parametric Mpc For Hybrid Systems Ifac Proceedings Volumes. 38: 361-366 |
Sakizlis V, Perkins JD, Pistikopoulos EN. (2005) Explicit solutions to optimal control problems for constrained continuous-time linear systems Iee Proceedings: Control Theory and Applications. 152: 443-452 |
Asteasuain M, Kouramas K, Sakizlis V, et al. (2005) Explicit parametric controller for a batch polymerization system Aiche Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings. 6815-6816 |
Manthanwar AM, Sakizlis V, Dua V, et al. (2005) Robust model-based predictive controller for hybrid system via parametric programming Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 20: 1249-1254 |