Milica Folic
Affiliations: | 2005 | Chemical Engineering | Imperial College London, London, England, United Kingdom |
"Milica Folic"Mean distance: 14.23 | S | N | B | C | P |
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Folić M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2008) Computer-aided solvent design for reactions: Maximizing product formation Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 47: 5190-5202 |
Folić M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2007) Design of solvents for optimal reaction rate constants Aiche Journal. 53: 1240-1256 |
Folić M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2006) A computer-aided methodology with robust design criteria for selection of solvents for reactions Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 21: 787-792 |
Folić M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2005) A computer-aided methodology for optimal solvent design for reactions with experimental verification Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 20: 1651-1656 |
Folic M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2005) A computer-aided methodology for solvent selection for reactions: Robust design formulation Aiche Annual Meeting, Conference Proceedings. 7191-7192 |
Folić M, Adjiman CS, Pistikopoulos EN. (2004) The design of solvents for optimal reaction rates Computer Aided Chemical Engineering. 18: 175-180 |