Jean-Pierre Changeux
Affiliations: | Institut Pasteur, Paris, Paris, France |
Molecular NeurobiologyGoogle:
"Jean-Pierre Changeux"Mean distance: 11.68 (cluster 11) | S | N | B | C | P |
Cross-listing: Neurotree
Sign in to add mentorJacques Lucien Monod | grad student | Institut Pasteur | |
François Jacob | grad student | 1960-1964 | Institut Pasteur (Neurotree) |
David Nachmansohn | post-doc | 1967 | Columbia |
Sign in to add traineeCollaborators
Sign in to add collaboratorJeffries Wyman | collaborator | 1965 | Institut Pasteur |
Derek Harold Richard Barton | collaborator | 1982-1986 |
BETA: Related publications
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Cecchini M, Corringer PJ, Changeux JP. (2024) The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor and its Pentameric Homologs: Toward an Allosteric Mechanism of Signal Transduction at the Atomic Level. Annual Review of Biochemistry |
Volzhenin K, Changeux JP, Dumas G. (2022) Multilevel development of cognitive abilities in an artificial neural network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2201304119 |
Cecchini M, Changeux JP. (2021) Nicotinic receptors: From protein allostery to computational neuropharmacology. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 101044 |
Changeux JP. (2020) Golden Anniversary of the Nicotinic Receptor. Neuron. 107: 14-16 |
Koukouli F, Changeux JP. (2020) Do Nicotinic Receptors Modulate High-Order Cognitive Processing? Trends in Neurosciences |
Changeux JP. (2020) Discovery of the First Neurotransmitter Receptor: The Acetylcholine Nicotinic Receptor. Biomolecules. 10 |
Mashour GA, Roelfsema P, Changeux JP, et al. (2020) Conscious Processing and the Global Neuronal Workspace Hypothesis. Neuron. 105: 776-798 |
Changeux JP. (2018) The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: a typical 'allosteric machine'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 373 |
Changeux JP. (2018) Structural Identification of the Nicotinic Receptor Ion Channel. Trends in Neurosciences. 41: 67-70 |
Martin NE, Malik S, Calimet N, et al. (2017) Un-gating and allosteric modulation of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel captured by molecular dynamics. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005784 |