Jean-Pierre Changeux

Institut Pasteur, Paris, Paris, France 
Molecular Neurobiology
"Jean-Pierre Changeux"
Mean distance: 11.68 (cluster 11)
Cross-listing: Neurotree


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Jacques Lucien Monod grad student Institut Pasteur
François Jacob grad student 1960-1964 Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
David Nachmansohn post-doc 1967 Columbia


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Matilde Cordero-Erausquin grad student (Neurotree)
Thomas Grutter grad student Institut Pasteur
Clément Léna grad student Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Jean Mariani grad student Ecole normale supérieur, Institut Pasteur (Paris, France) (Neurotree)
Horoyuki Sugiyama grad student (Neurotree)
Catherine Wacongne grad student 2009- Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Jean Pierre Rossier grad student 1969-1975 Collège de France, Paris (Neurotree)
Stanislas Dehaene grad student 1985-1989 Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
André Klarsfeld grad student 1990 University Paris 6 (Neurotree)
Nicolas Le Novère grad student 1992-1999 Institut Pasteur (Computational Biology Tree)
Corentin Le Magueresse grad student 2006 SISSA, Trieste (Neurotree)
Heinrich Betz post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Jonathan B. Cohen post-doc Institut Pasteur
Jean Luc Galzi post-doc Université de Strasbourg
Nadine Kabbani post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Henry A. Lester post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Naguib Mechawar post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
John Merlie post-doc Washington University (Neurotree)
Richard W Olsen post-doc Institut Pasteur
James Patrick post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Vivian I. Teichberg post-doc Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Gerald L. Hazelbauer post-doc 1971-1973 Institut Pasteur
Ferdinand Hucho post-doc 1973-1973 Institut Pasteur
Christopher E. Henderson post-doc 1979-1985 Columbia (Neurotree)
Marina R. Picciotto post-doc 1992-1995 Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Francesco M. Rossi post-doc 2005 Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Philippe Faure research scientist Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)
Nicolas Le Novère research scientist 2001-2003 Institut Pasteur (Computational Biology Tree)
Guillaume Dumas research scientist 2015-2020 Institut Pasteur (Neurotree)


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Jeffries Wyman collaborator 1965 Institut Pasteur
Derek Harold Richard Barton collaborator 1982-1986
BETA: Related publications


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Cecchini M, Corringer PJ, Changeux JP. (2024) The Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptor and its Pentameric Homologs: Toward an Allosteric Mechanism of Signal Transduction at the Atomic Level. Annual Review of Biochemistry
Volzhenin K, Changeux JP, Dumas G. (2022) Multilevel development of cognitive abilities in an artificial neural network. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 119: e2201304119
Cecchini M, Changeux JP. (2021) Nicotinic receptors: From protein allostery to computational neuropharmacology. Molecular Aspects of Medicine. 101044
Changeux JP. (2020) Golden Anniversary of the Nicotinic Receptor. Neuron. 107: 14-16
Koukouli F, Changeux JP. (2020) Do Nicotinic Receptors Modulate High-Order Cognitive Processing? Trends in Neurosciences
Changeux JP. (2020) Discovery of the First Neurotransmitter Receptor: The Acetylcholine Nicotinic Receptor. Biomolecules. 10
Mashour GA, Roelfsema P, Changeux JP, et al. (2020) Conscious Processing and the Global Neuronal Workspace Hypothesis. Neuron. 105: 776-798
Changeux JP. (2018) The nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: a typical 'allosteric machine'. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological Sciences. 373
Changeux JP. (2018) Structural Identification of the Nicotinic Receptor Ion Channel. Trends in Neurosciences. 41: 67-70
Martin NE, Malik S, Calimet N, et al. (2017) Un-gating and allosteric modulation of a pentameric ligand-gated ion channel captured by molecular dynamics. Plos Computational Biology. 13: e1005784
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