Susan G. Ernst

Biology Tufts University, Boston 
sea urchin, morphogenesis, gastrulation
"Susan Ernst"


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Mindaugas Kaulenas grad student 1969-1975 U Mass Amherst
Roy J. Britten grad student 1975-1979 Caltech (Cell Biology Tree)
Eric H. Davidson grad student 1975-1979 Caltech


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Michael Levin research assistant 1990-1992 Tufts
Ana L. Egana grad student 2000 Tufts
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Ernst SG. (2011) Offerings from an urchin. Developmental Biology. 358: 285-94
Egaña AL, Boyle JA, Ernst SG. (2007) Strongylocentrotus drobachiensis oocytes maintain a microtubule organizing center throughout oogenesis: implications for the establishment of egg polarity in sea urchins. Molecular Reproduction and Development. 74: 76-87
Egaña AL, Ernst SG. (2004) Sphedgehog is expressed by pigment cell precursors during early gastrulation in Strongylocentrotus purpuratus. Developmental Dynamics : An Official Publication of the American Association of Anatomists. 231: 370-8
Godin RE, Klinzing DC, Porcaro WA, et al. (1997) Specification of endoderm in the sea urchin embryo. Mechanisms of Development. 67: 35-47
Levin M, Ernst SG. (1997) Applied DC magnetic fields cause alterations in the time of cell divisions and developmental abnormalities in early sea urchin embryos. Bioelectromagnetics. 18: 255-63
Ernst SG. (1997) A century of sea urchin development American Zoologist. 37: 250-259
Godin RE, Urry LA, Ernst SG. (1996) Alternative splicing of the Endo16 transcript produces differentially expressed mRNAs during sea urchin gastrulation. Developmental Biology. 179: 148-59
Levin M, Ernst SG. (1995) Applied AC and DC magnetic fields cause alterations in the mitotic cycle of early sea urchin embryos. Bioelectromagnetics. 16: 231-40
Soltysik-Española M, Klinzing DC, Pfarr K, et al. (1994) Endo16, a large multidomain protein found on the surface and ECM of endodermal cells during sea urchin gastrulation, binds calcium. Developmental Biology. 165: 73-85
Yoon KL, Ernst SG, Rasmussen C, et al. (1993) Mitochondrial disorder associated with newborn cardiopulmonary arrest. Pediatric Research. 33: 433-40
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