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Wendell Mitchell Latimer research assistant 1916-1916 Chicago
George Lindenberg Clark grad student 1918 Chicago
Dwight Tarbell Ewing grad student 1920 Chicago
Anson Hayes grad student 1921 Chicago
Robert Sanderson Mulliken grad student 1921 Chicago
Samuel King Allison grad student 1923 Chicago (Physics Tree)
Francis Arthur Jenkins grad student 1925 Chicago (Physics Tree)
Calvin Souther Fuller grad student 1929 Chicago
Henry Winston Newson grad student 1934 Chicago (Physics Tree)
Martin David Kamen grad student 1936 Chicago
Robert James Moon grad student 1936 Chicago (Physics Tree)
George E. Boyd grad student 1937 Chicago
George Jura grad student 1942 Chicago
Myron L. Corrin grad student 1946 Chicago
Thomas Foxen Anderson post-doc 1936-1937 Chicago
Franklin Asbury Long research scientist 1936 Chicago
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Basford PR, Harkins WD, Twiss SB. (1954) Effect of temperature on the adsorption of n-decane on iron Journal of Physical Chemistry. 58: 307-312
Harkins WD, Stearns RS. (1954) A new adsorption isotherm and the distribution of energy sites on the surface of some finely divided solids Journal of Physical Chemistry. 58: 292-298
Loeser EH, Harkins WD, Twiss SB. (1953) Molecular interaction between n-propyl alcohol and iron or iron oxides Journal of Physical Chemistry. 57: 591-597
Loeser EH, Harkins WD, Twiss SB. (1953) Adhesion of liquids to solids. Molecular interaction between metal oxides and adsorbed vapors Journal of Physical Chemistry. 57: 251-254
Harkins WD, Krizek H, Corrin ML. (1951) Effect of micelle formation on the absorption spectra of decyl and dodecyl pyridinium iodides Journal of Colloid Science. 6: 576-583
Harkins WD, Krizek H, Corrin M. (1951) Effect of micelle formation on the absorption spectra of decyl and dodecyl pyridinium iodides Journal of Colloid Science. 6: 576-583
Harkins WD. (1950) Special and magic numbers as factors in nuclear stability and abundance [9] Physical Review. 79: 724-725
Harkins WD. (1950) Equivalence of protons and neutrons in nuclei [28] Physical Review. 78: 634
Harkins WD, Loeser EH. (1950) Surfaces of solids XIX. Molecular interaction between metals and hydrocarbons The Journal of Chemical Physics. 18: 556-560
Loeser EH, Harkins WD. (1950) Surfaces of solids. XXI. Areas of non-porous solids from adsorption isotherms of n-heptane or n-hexane Journal of the American Chemical Society. 72: 3427-3431
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