Fritz Albert Lipmann

Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research, New York, NY, United States 
"Fritz Albert Lipmann"

(1899 - 1986)
The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 1953 was divided equally between Hans Adolf Krebs for his discovery of the citric acid cycle and Fritz Albert Lipmann for his discovery of co-enzyme A and its importance for intermediary metabolism.

Mean distance: 6.85 (cluster 11)


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James H. Schwartz grad student Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Herman M. Kalckar grad student 1939 Copenhagen University
Richard V. Wolfenden grad student 1964 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
David I. Hirsh grad student 1968 Rockefeller (Neurotree)
John G. Hildebrand grad student 1964-1969 Rockefeller (Neurotree)
Hans Gustaf Boman post-doc Rockefeller (FlyTree)
Osvaldo Cori post-doc Harvard Medical School Masssachusetts General Hospital
Setsurou Ebashi post-doc Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Max E. Gottesman post-doc Rockefeller (ID Tree)
Peter Herrlich post-doc Rockefeller (Computational Biology Tree)
Hermann Niemeyer Fernandez post-doc Harvard Medical School
Jane H. Park post-doc MGH
Tito Ureta post-doc Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Heinz Herrmann post-doc 1936-1939 Copenhagen University (Cell Biology Tree)
Nathan O. Kaplan post-doc 1945-1949 MGH
Robert Kellogg Crane post-doc 1949-1950 MGH
Earl R. Stadtman post-doc 1949-1950 MGH
Daniel E. Koshland post-doc 1951 Harvard
Eugene Patrick Kennedy post-doc 1950-1951 Mass General Hospital
Harold Paul Klein post-doc 1950-1951 MGH (Microtree)
Mahlon Hoagland post-doc 1952-1953 MGH
Robert Bandurski post-doc 1953-1954 Mass General Hospital
William P. Jencks post-doc 1955-1956 MGH
Mary Ellen Jones post-doc 1951-1957 MGH
Murray Rabinowitz post-doc 1958 Rockefeller
Hans Georg Zachau post-doc 1957-1958 Rockefeller
Phillips W. Robbins post-doc 1956-1959 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Geoffrey Louis Zubay post-doc 1959-1961 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Yasutomi Nishizuka post-doc 1962 Rockefeller
Jorge E. Allende post-doc 1961-1962 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
Larry Gold post-doc 1967-1969 Rockefeller (Cell Biology Tree)
John Delafield Gregory research scientist MGH
Robert R. Traut research scientist (Microtree)
Simon Black research scientist 1951-1952 MGH
Daniel Nathans research scientist 1959-1962 Rockefeller Institute for Medical Research
BETA: Related publications


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Hilz H, Lipmann F. (2006) THE ENZYMATIC ACTIVATION OF SULFATE. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 41: 880-90
Hoch FL, Lipmann F. (2006) THE UNCOUPLING OF RESPIRATION AND PHOSPHORYLATION BY THYROID HORMONES. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 40: 909-21
Maas WK, Novelli GD, Lipmann F. (2006) Acetylation of Glutamic Acid by Extracts of Escherichia Coli. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 39: 1004-8
Liu MC, Suiko M, Lipmann F. (1987) Rapid catabolism of tyrosine-O-sulphated proteins and the formation of free tyrosine O-sulphate as an end product in rat embryo fibroblasts. The Biochemical Journal. 243: 555-9
Liu MC, Suiko M, Lipmann F. (1987) Studies of the decrease of tyrosine-O-sulphated proteins in Rous sarcoma-virus-transformed rat embryo fibroblasts, line 3Y1. Examination of the sulphate activation and tyrosyl-protein sulphotransferase systems. The Biochemical Journal. 247: 201-6
Lipmann F, Liu MC. (1985) Comparisons of the changes of sulfation and phosphorylation in malignancy. Current Topics in Cellular Regulation. 27: 193-8
Liu MC, Lipmann F. (1985) Isolation of tyrosine-O-sulfate by Pronase hydrolysis from fibronectin secreted by Fujinami sarcoma virus-infected rat fibroblasts. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 34-7
Lipmann F. (1985) Activated intermediates: the unexpected may sometimes carry a message. Bioessays : News and Reviews in Molecular, Cellular and Developmental Biology. 3: 222-5
Fukami Y, Lipmann F. (1985) Purification of the Rous sarcoma virus src kinase by casein-agarose and tyrosine-agarose affinity chromatography. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 321-4
Liu MC, Yu S, Sy J, et al. (1985) Tyrosine sulfation of proteins from the human hepatoma cell line HepG2. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America. 82: 7160-4
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