
Warren H. Wagner, Ph.D.

Botany University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, Ann Arbor, MI 
systematics, fern systematics
"Warren Wagner"


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Edwin Bingham Copeland grad student 1950 UC Berkeley (Plant Biology Tree)
 (The fern genus Diellia: structure, affinities, and taxonomy)


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Daniel J. Schoen research assistant University of Michigan (Evolution Tree)
Adrian M. Wenner grad student University of Michigan (Marine Ecology Tree)
Richard White grad student University of Michigan
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Wagner WH, Grant JR. (2002) Botrychium alaskense, a new moonwort from the interior of Alaska American Fern Journal. 92: 164-170
Wagner WH, Gilman AV. (2001) Dryopteris xcorrellii hyb. nov. (D. carthusiana xgoldiana), a rare woodfern hybrid from Vermont American Fern Journal. 91: 9-12
Medeiros AC, Wagner WH, Hobdy RW. (1996) A New Hawaiian Hanging Firmoss (Lycopodiaceae: Phlegmariurus) from the Eastern Hawaiian Islands American Fern Journal. 86: 89-97
Taylor WC, Wagner WH, Hobdy RW, et al. (1993) Isoetes hawaiiensis: A Previously Undescribed Quillwort from Hawaii American Fern Journal. 83: 67-70
Medeiros AC, Hobdy RW, Wagner WH. (1993) Notes on the Rediscovery, Status, and Ecology of the Very Rare Hawaiian Fern Christella boydiae (Thelypteridaceae) American Fern Journal. 83: 86-89
Wagner WH, Wagner FS, Reznicek AA, et al. (1992) ×Dryostichum singulare (Dryopteridaceae), a new fern nothogenus from Ontario Botany. 70: 245-253
Wagner WH, Hagenah E. (1989) A Synthetic "Trigeneric" Hybrid, x Asplenosorus pinnatifidus x Phyllitis scolopendrium var. americana American Fern Journal. 79: 1-6
Wagner WH, Beitel JM, Moran RC. (1989) Lycopodium hickeyi: a new species of North American clubmoss American Fern Journal. 79: 119-121
Paris CA, Wagner FS, Wagner WH. (1989) Cryptic species, species delimitation, and taxonomic practice in the homosporous ferns American Fern Journal. 79: 46-54
Wagner WH, Grant V. (1983) Plant Speciation: The Classical Approach@@@Plant Speciation. Evolution. 37: 426
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