Clement Camp

CPE Lyon 
"Clement Camp"
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Ye CZ, Del Rosal I, Kelly SN, et al. (2024) Synthesis, Structure, and Bonding of Actinide-Rhenium Polyhydrides. Inorganic Chemistry
Ye CZ, Del Rosal I, Ouellette ET, et al. (2024) Reduction of CS to an ethanetetrathiolate by a hydride-bridged uranium-iridium heterobimetallic complex. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England)
Lachguar A, Ye CZ, Kelly SN, et al. (2024) CO cleavage by tantalum/M (M = iridium, osmium) heterobimetallic complexes. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England)
Ye CZ, Del Rosal I, Kelly SN, et al. (2024) Photolysis-driven bond activation by thorium and uranium tetraosmate polyhydride complexes. Chemical Science. 15: 9784-9792
Ye CZ, Del Rosal I, Boreen MA, et al. (2022) A versatile strategy for the formation of hydride-bridged actinide-iridium multimetallics. Chemical Science. 14: 861-868
Escomel L, Abbott DF, Mougel V, et al. (2022) Highly dispersed silica-supported iridium and iridium-aluminium catalysts for methane activation prepared surface organometallic chemistry. Chemical Communications (Cambridge, England)
Escomel L, Del Rosal I, Maron L, et al. (2021) Strongly Polarized Iridium-Aluminum Pairs: Unconventional Reactivity Patterns Including CO Cooperative Reductive Cleavage. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Srivastava R, Quadrelli EA, Camp C. (2020) Lability of Ta-NHC adducts as a synthetic route towards heterobimetallic Ta/Rh complexes. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
Lassalle S, Jabbour R, Schiltz P, et al. (2019) Metal-Metal Synergy in Well-Defined Surface Tantalum-Iridium Heterobimetallic Catalysts for H/D Exchange Reactions. Journal of the American Chemical Society
Dardun V, Escomel L, Jeanneau E, et al. (2018) On the alcoholysis of alkyl-aluminum(iii) alkoxy-NHC derivatives: reactivity of the Al-carbene Lewis pair versus Al-alkyl. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003)
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