Yann Bretonniere

ENS Lyon, France 
"Yann Bretonniere"
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Caligiuri V, Biffi G, Palei M, et al. (2020) Angle and Polarization Selective Spontaneous Emission in Dye‐Doped Metal/Insulator/Metal Nanocavities Advanced Optical Materials. 8: 1901215
Maxime R, Zheng Z, Jeanneau E, et al. (2019) 4,5,5-trimethyl-2,5-dihydrofuran based electron-withdrawing groups for NIR emitting push-pull dipolar fluorophores. The Journal of Organic Chemistry
Fonseca RD, Vivas MG, Silva DL, et al. (2019) Intramolecular Cooperative and Anti-Cooperative Effect on the Two-Photon Absorption Cross Section in Triphenylamine Derivatives. The Journal of Physical Chemistry Letters
Chambre L, Saw WS, Ekineker G, et al. (2018) A Surfactant-Free Direct Access to Porphyrin-Crosslinked Nanogels for Photodynamic and Photothermal Therapy. Bioconjugate Chemistry
Yan X, Remond M, Zheng Z, et al. (2018) General and Scalable Approach to Bright, Stable and Functional AIE Fluorogen Colloidal Nanocrystals for in Vivo Imaging. Acs Applied Materials & Interfaces
Zheng Z, Ayhan MM, Liao Y, et al. (2018) Design of two-photon absorbing fluorophores for FRET antenna-core oxygen probes New Journal of Chemistry. 42: 7914-7930
Pascal S, Getmanenko YA, Zhang Y, et al. (2018) Design of Near-Infrared-Absorbing Unsymmetrical Polymethine Dyes with Large Quadratic Hyperpolarizabilities Chemistry of Materials. 30: 3410-3418
Redon S, Eucat G, Ipuy M, et al. (2018) Tuning the solid-state emission of small push-pull dipolar dyes to the far-red through variation of the electron-acceptor group Dyes and Pigments. 156: 116-132
Topkaya D, Ng SY, Bretonnière Y, et al. (2017) Design, synthesis and phototoxicity studies of novel iodinated amphiphilic porphyrins Photodiagnosis and Photodynamic Therapy. 17
Topal SZ, Ün ŞŞ, Bretonnière Y, et al. (2017) New designed naphthalimide-phthalocyanine pentads: Synthesis, photophysical and photochemical properties in DMSO and room temperature ionic liquids Journal of Photochemistry and Photobiology a: Chemistry. 332: 562-570
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