Ronald Milligan

Scripps Research Institute, La Jolla, La Jolla, CA, United States 
General Biophysics, Biochemistry
"Ronald Milligan"
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Haque F, Freniere C, Ye Q, et al. (2022) Cytoskeletal regulation of a transcription factor by DNA mimicry via coiled-coil interactions. Nature Cell Biology. 24: 1088-1098
Bodrug T, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Nithianantham S, et al. (2020) The kinesin-5 tail domain directly modulates the mechanochemical cycle of the motor domain for anti-parallel microtubule sliding. Elife. 9
Bodrug T, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Nithianantham S, et al. (2020) Author response: The kinesin-5 tail domain directly modulates the mechanochemical cycle of the motor domain for anti-parallel microtubule sliding Elife
Jiang S, Mani N, Wilson-Kubalek EM, et al. (2019) Interplay between the Kinesin and Tubulin Mechanochemical Cycles Underlies Microtubule Tip Tracking by the Non-motile Ciliary Kinesin Kif7. Developmental Cell
Monda JK, Whitney IP, Tarasovetc EV, et al. (2017) Microtubule Tip Tracking by the Spindle and Kinetochore Protein Ska1 Requires Diverse Tubulin-Interacting Surfaces. Current Biology : Cb
Wilson-Kubalek EM, Cheeseman IM, Milligan RA. (2016) Structural comparison of the C. elegans and human Ndc80 complexes bound to microtubules reveals distinct binding behavior. Molecular Biology of the Cell
Garnham CP, Vemu A, Wilson-Kubalek EM, et al. (2015) Multivalent Microtubule Recognition by Tubulin Tyrosine Ligase-like Family Glutamylases. Cell. 161: 1112-23
Garnham CP, Vemu A, Wilson-Kubalek EM, et al. (2015) Multivalent microtubule recognition by tubulin tyrosine ligase-like family glutamylases Cell. 161: 1112-1123
Hsia KC, Wilson-Kubalek EM, Dottore A, et al. (2014) Reconstitution of the augmin complex provides insights into its architecture and function. Nature Cell Biology. 16: 852-63
Schmidt JC, Arthanari H, Boeszoermenyi A, et al. (2012) The kinetochore-bound Ska1 complex tracks depolymerizing microtubules and binds to curved protofilaments. Developmental Cell. 23: 968-80
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