Raja A. Jadhav, Ph.D.

2000 Ohio State University, Columbus, Columbus, OH 
Chemical Engineering, Environmental Sciences
"Raja Jadhav"
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Liang-Shih Fan grad student 2000 Ohio State
 (Multifunctional sorbents for gas phase trace metallic capture: Kinetic and mechanistic studies.)
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Park AA, Jadhav R, Fan L. (2008) CO2 Mineral Sequestration: Chemically Enhanced Aqueous Carbonation of Serpentine The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 81: 885-890
Gupta H, Thomas TJ, Park AHA, et al. (2007) Pilot-scale demonstration of the oscar process for high-temperature multipollutant control of coal combustion flue gas, using carbonated fly ash and mesoporous calcium carbonate Industrial and Engineering Chemistry Research. 46: 5051-5060
Fan L, Jadhav RA. (2002) Clean coal technologies: OSCAR and CARBONOX commercial demonstrations Aiche Journal. 48: 2115-2123
Jadhav RA, Fan LS. (2001) Capture of gas-phase arsenic oxide by lime: kinetic and mechanistic studies. Environmental Science & Technology. 35: 794-9
Jadhav RA, Agnihotri R, Gupta H, et al. (2000) Mechanism of selenium sorption by activated carbon The Canadian Journal of Chemical Engineering. 78: 168-174
Chauk SS, Agnihotri R, Jadhav RA, et al. (2000) Kinetics of high-pressure removal of hydrogen sulfide using calcium oxide powder Aiche Journal. 46: 1157-1167
Mahuli SK, Agnihotr R, Jadhav R, et al. (1999) Combined calcination, sintering and sulfation model for CaCo3-SO2 reaction Aiche Journal. 45: 367-382
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