Ralph A. Wheeler
Affiliations: | 1990-2010 | Department of Chemistry and Biochemistry | University of Oklahoma, Norman, OK, United States |
2016- | Chemistry | Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL, United States |
Biochemistry, Physical ChemistryGoogle:
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Sign in to add traineeZunnan Huang | grad student | 2005 | University of Oklahoma |
Christopher A. Hixson | grad student | 2006 | University of Oklahoma |
Timothy H. Click | grad student | 2007 | University of Oklahoma |
Zhanyong Guo | grad student | 2008 | University of Oklahoma |
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Hixson CA, Wheeler RA. (2009) Pressure Annealing as a Complement to Temperature Annealing To Find Low-Energy Structures of Oligomeric Molecules. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 5: 1883-1894 |
Huang Z, Wong CF, Wheeler RA. (2008) Flexible protein-flexible ligand docking with disrupted velocity simulated annealing. Proteins. 71: 440-54 |
Carter SM, Lee J, Hixson CA, et al. (2006) Fiber-optic infrared reflectance spectroelectrochemical studies of osmium and ruthenium nitrosyl porphyrins containing alkoxide and thiolate ligands. Dalton Transactions (Cambridge, England : 2003). 1338-46 |
Yoneda JD, Albuquerque MG, Leal KZ, et al. (2006) Molecular dynamics simulations of a nucleoside analogue of 1,4-dihydro-4-oxoquinoline-3-carboxylic acid synthesized as a potential antiviral agent: Conformational studies in vacuum and in water Journal of Molecular Structure: Theochem. 778: 97-103 |
Rahaman A, Wheeler RA. (2005) Wavelet Transforms for Determining Time-Dependent Vibrational Frequencies. Journal of Chemical Theory and Computation. 1: 769-71 |
Hixson CA, Chen J, Huang Z, et al. (2004) New perspectives on multiple-copy, mean-field molecular dynamics methods. Journal of Molecular Graphics & Modelling. 22: 349-57 |
Sinha P, Boesch SE, Gu C, et al. (2004) Harmonic Vibrational Frequencies: Scaling Factors for HF, B3LYP, and MP2 Methods in Combination with Correlation Consistent Basis Sets The Journal of Physical Chemistry A. 108: 9213-9217 |
Hixson CA, Wheeler RA. (2004) Practical multiple-copy methods for sampling classical statistical mechanical ensembles Chemical Physics Letters. 386: 330-335 |
Wheeler RA, Dong H. (2003) Optimal spectrum estimation in statistical mechanics. Chemphyschem : a European Journal of Chemical Physics and Physical Chemistry. 4: 1227-30 |
York SS, Boesch SE, Wheeler RA, et al. (2003) Vibrational assignments for high molecular weight linear polyethylenimine (LPEI) based on monomeric and tetrameric model compounds Macromolecules. 36: 7348-7351 |