Gary E. Stinchcomb, Ph.D.
Affiliations: | 2012 | Geology | Baylor University, Waco, TX |
Geology, Archaeology Anthropology, Paleoclimate Science, Native American StudiesGoogle:
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Sign in to add mentorLee Charles Nordt | grad student | 2012 | Baylor University | |
(Climatic and Human Influences on the Holocene Alluvial History and Paleoenvironment of the Middle Delaware River Valley, USA.) |
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Ferguson B, Lukens WE, Masri BE, et al. (2020) Alluvial landform and the occurrence of paleosols in a humid-subtropical climate have an effect on long-term soil organic carbon storage Geoderma. 371: 114388 |
Lukens WE, Stinchcomb GE, Nordt LC, et al. (2019) Recursive partitioning improves paleosol proxies for rainfall American Journal of Science. 319: 819-845 |
Munoz SE, Giosan L, Blusztajn J, et al. (2019) Radiogenic fingerprinting reveals anthropogenic and buffering controls on sediment dynamics of the Mississippi River system Geology. 47: 271-274 |
Riber L, Driese SG, Stinchcomb GE, et al. (2019) Reconstructing a high paleolatitude Mesozoic paleoenvironment from a truncated and deeply buried regolith, Norwegian North Sea Palaeogeography, Palaeoclimatology, Palaeoecology. 528: 60-77 |
Stinchcomb GE, Kim H, Hasenmueller EA, et al. (2018) Relating soil gas to weathering using rock and regolith geochemistry American Journal of Science. 318: 727-763 |
Lukens WE, Nordt LC, Stinchcomb GE, et al. (2018) Reconstructing pH of Paleosols Using Geochemical Proxies The Journal of Geology. 126: 427-449 |
Medaris LG, Driese SG, Stinchcomb GE, et al. (2018) Anatomy of a Sub-Cambrian Paleosol in Wisconsin: Mass Fluxes of Chemical Weathering and Climatic Conditions in North America during Formation of the Cambrian Great Unconformity The Journal of Geology. 126: 261-283 |
Driese SG, Medaris LG, Kirsimäe K, et al. (2018) Oxisolic processes and geochemical constraints on duration of weathering for Neoproterozoic Baltic paleosol Precambrian Research. 310: 165-178 |
Beverly EJ, Peppe DJ, Driese SG, et al. (2017) Reconstruction of Late Pleistocene Paleoenvironments Using Bulk Geochemistry of Paleosols from the Lake Victoria Region Frontiers in Earth Science. 5 |
Medaris LG, Driese SG, Stinchcomb GE. (2017) The Paleoproterozoic Baraboo paleosol revisited: Quantifying mass fluxes of weathering and metasomatism, chemical climofunctions, and atmospheric p CO 2 in a chemically heterogeneous protolith Precambrian Research. 301: 179-194 |