Jason S. Mintz, Ph.D.

2011 Geology Baylor University, Waco, TX 
Geology, Geophysics, Natural Resource Management
"Jason Mintz"
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Steven G. Driese grad student 2011 Baylor University
 (Rise Of The Givetian (385 Ma) Forests, Northern Appalachian Basin, Catskill State Park, New York, U.S.A.)
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Breecker DO, Yoon J, Michel LA, et al. (2013) CO<inf>2</inf> concentrations in vertisols: Seasonal variability and shrink-swell Sepm Special Publications. 104: 35-45
Mintz JS, Driese SG, Breecker DO, et al. (2011) Influence of changing hydrology on pedogenic calcite precipitation in vertisols dance bayou, Brazoria County, Texas, U.S.A.: Implications for estimating paleoatmospheric PCo 2 Journal of Sedimentary Research. 81: 394-400
Mintz JS, Driese SG, White JD. (2010) Environmental and ecological variability of middle Devonian (Givetian) forests in Appalachian basin paleosols, New York, United States Palaios. 25: 85-96
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